Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I <3 YouTube

I am constantly on YouTube... in fact, I <3 it. Here are some of my favorite videos of all time.

MARTA Soulja Girl w/ Subtitles

Jizz in My Pants

Kung Fu Hillbilly - Training Video

Lazy town REMIX feat. Lil' Jon

Ronald McDonald Insanity

Leprechaun in Mobile, Alabama

Bubb Rubb and Lil Sis

Seven-year-old boy steals grandmother's SUV

CSI Miami - Endless Caruso One Liners

The UFO Guy

Flea Market Montgomery
(link to come)

You can always find my latest YouTube finds at my channel.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

24 Lies and 1 Truth

I'm constantly getting updates from people posting those stupid '25 Random Things' on Facebook. So here's my 24 Lies and 1 Truth list - see if you can pick out the truth. This is way more fun, so let's see if I can start a Facebook trend...

1. I've never been in a situation in which I thought I might die if I made a mis-step.
2. I've been fired from a job.
3. I changed my major in college.
4. I was never caught cheating on a test in high school or college.
5. I've never seen myself on cable TV.
6. I have been at fault in a car accident.
7. I've never been in a fist fight.
8. I believe in fate.
9. I've been to 2 UK basketball and football home games (combined) since graduating.
10. I've visited more than 5 countries outside the U.S.
11. I've never locked my keys in my car.
12. I live with no regrets.
13. I accidentally gave myself a tattoo.
14. I love to water ski.
15. UK was my first choice for college.
16. I've only had one concussion that I know of.
17. I have a secret desire to try out for American Idol.
18. My favorite movie of all-time is Fight Club.
19. I've been in love 3 times.
20. I listen to music when I go running.
21. I've never had a manicure.
22. I get stage fright.
23. I've only been arrested once.
24. I have always felt closer to male friends than females.
25. I've been a groomsman in a wedding.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Testing the Water

I've never been much of a blogger, so why start now? I've always toyed with the idea, but I thought I would tire of updates quickly. I blogged on MySpace about 5 times, but that site is horrible and I only log in to listen to music. We'll see how long it takes me to lose interest in Blogger.

I really don't have a point or goal in mind. I've debated on how personal I want to get... I don't know if I'm comfortable revealing my thoughts like a diary, but I might feel inspired from time to time. I don't plan on promoting my page or making a big deal out of this. I'd just like to make some observations and tell some stories that might interest or entertain my friends. So expect topics on weekends and experiences in Atlanta, music, traveling (for work and pleasure), family, sports, love, current events, movies, faith and anything else that urges me to share. I'd like to give props to Matt Hosley for the inspiration.

I'm going to play around with the design, so things might look different the next time you read this... IF anyone actually ends up reading this.