Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Keep on running

I was reading an article in Runner's World recently and saw this line that struck me:

"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

I Googled the quote, and it can be attributed to the Buddhist Sangha. I am not a Buddhist, but I believe a lot of things described in this article transcend religion.

Of course, it applies to so much more than running. Yes, you are going to fall down, but how are you going to deal with it?

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Sitting in my hotel room last night, Finding Forrester came on HBO. I forgot how much I love that movie. Here's a quote from the end...

"Someone I once knew wrote that we walk away from our dreams afraid that we may fail or, worse yet, afraid that we may succeed. You need to know that while I knew so very early on that you would realize your dreams, I never imagined I would once again realize my own.

Seasons change, young man, and while I may have waited until the winter of my life to see the things I’ve seen this past year, there is no doubt I would have waited too long had it not been for you."