Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Music Comebacks and First Timers

I haven't been this excited for a music post in quite a while.  The first two bands are on the rebound after years of no new material.  The last three are bands that aren't well known but have potential.  See them live and get the word out!

The Postal Service - A Tattered Line of String

They haven't had a new song in 10 years. 10 YEARS! Their first CD is among my favorite of all time.  Death Cab is great, but I like Ben Gibbard's side project better.

Phoenix - Entertainment

I actually heard this on the radio in LA today.  Their new album drops in a few months.

And here are the bands you might not have heard of...

Family of the Year - What A Surprise

They have a song called Hero that's starting to get some airplay on the radio, but I heard this one about a year ago and like it more.  I listen to it on repeat.

The Last Bison - Switzerland

They were originally just called 'Bison' but changed their name.  Their full length album is due soon.

Chamberlin - A Pleasant Conversation Over Drinks

I first heard of this band's Cabin Covers cover album (check those out, too).  This is one of their originals.

Which is your favorite?  What else are you listening to?