Thursday, August 20, 2009

High School Reunions

Are high school reunions even relevant anymore? Up until a few years ago, there were people from your past that you wondered about, but could never find out. Now with Facebook, it's only a click away. I'm from a small town with 3 high schools, and there were ~200 in my graduating class. I'm Facebook friends with 300+ from my hometown, and probably most of those that graduated with me.

I graduated in 2000, almost 10 years ago (ack!). When you see these people at your reunion, you're supposed to catch up on the past. You're already friends on Facebook, so you really already know everything that you would have to talk about. You're not really friends, so I imagine there to be a lot of awkward silences.

I had a pretty close-knit group of friends in high school, and I always thought that I would look forward to the summer of our 10 year reunion. After seeing pictures on Facebook from the reunion a year ahead of me, I'm not so thrilled anymore. Honestly, all of the people I want to keep up with, I keep up with. I live 400 miles from there, and is it worth the trip?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

This makes me want to join Twitter...

Lance tweets for fans to join him on a bike ride.

Over-used Internet Buzz Words

Please refrain from using the following words.

I think LOL is the most overused and ill-fitting reaction to something funny. How many times do you actually laugh out loud when you read something? If you are me, not many. I subscribe to the 'Haha' meter, which I hope to patent. A mildly funny statement only gets a 'ha', something hilarious gets a 'Hahaha!' and something absolutely beyond comparison gets a 'Bahahahaha!', fill in the rest, you get the idea.

Integrating chess and poor spelling does not make the best insult.

Fail Blog can stay, everything else has to go.

Woot woot!
Is this 1995 and are we listening to Quad City DJs?

You're on thin ice but I'll let you slide.