Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Most Interesting Thanksgiving Ever

It was no surprise that no one celebrates Thanksgiving in Chile, so I was prepared for the fact that I was going to have to work both Thursday and Friday. I did my best to stay away from all of the Facebook status updates, put my head down and work.

I spoke with Carolien, my Dutch friend I met in Santiago, early in the week. She seemed excited to put together a Thanksgiving meal since I was missing it back home and she had never experienced it before. The plan was to bring a few of her friends and some food over on Friday night and then go out afterward.

I got home from work on Friday and before I knew it there were three women cooking in my kitchen. Carolien brought a friend from Canada, who luckily was a very good cook and familiar with Thanksgiving, and another from Brazil who was also having her first Thanksgiving meal. I invited Erik, one of my Brazilian coworkers, to the party since he had told me he was interested in learning about the holiday.

Check out our Thanksgiving spread:

Once dinner was cooked, we made our way up to the 22nd floor roof of my apartment building to eat and admire the view of the high rise expanse that faded into the Andes - an American, Canadian, Dutchwoman and two Brazilians celebrating Thanksgiving in Santiago. It wasn't a traditional meal by any means, but definitely one of the most memorable holidays of my life.

After dinner we went out to a bar area in Providencia on Avenida Suecia. There are lots of Swiss-style buildings, which gave it the name. We went into one karaoke bar that gave us a free drink, and then walked around for a while. A lot of people would try to drag you into their establishment promising drink specials. We ended up going to a salsa club with a live band called Ile Habana. It had a nice vibe and was very Latin... hot and loud. I wouldn't recommend going to this area alone or in small groups as it seemed to get a little sketchy as it got later.

Next up, Valparaiso and the beach!

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