Friday, April 9, 2010

Down Undah

I've only been here a few days but I love Sydney already.  This picture is the view I have from my 30th floor hotel room at the Circular Quay Marriott.  I'm only staying here for the first 10 days of my trip (until I find an apartment).  The executive lounge offers free breakfast, plus free drinks and light dinner in the evening.  Every bit helps since I get to pocket the food money I don't spend.  Shhh!

My sleeping pattern hasn't changed with the time difference as well as I hoped since I'm not going to bed around 10 and waking up between 5:30 and 6 am.  It did allow me to work out early this morning for the first time in I don't know how long, but I don't expect it to last.

Work is pretty intense - I've been designated the 'data conversion lead' for this wave of the project which doesn't change what I do that much, but gives me more responsibility if something goes wrong.  Most of the people I work with are really nice, but the Accenture lead of the project is, well... difficult.  I'm enjoying the challenge so far and I'm getting to flex more of my MBA training than I have on the other waves of the project.

My old roommate, Eric, recommended that I look to Coogee for an apartment.  It just so happens that a few of the other transplanted members of the project are there as well, so I may be able to catch rides for work and have people to hang with on the weekends.  I'm still trying to find a place that fits the project budget, but i hope this one works.  It's relatively close to the office, the beach, and the nightlife.  Fingers crossed.

It's my first Friday and I actually know what I'll be doing tonight.  My company has another project here in Sydney and I linked up with a few of my coworkers in Miami a few weekends ago.  They're coming over to my hotel to meet up and hit the town.  I don't have a local mobile phone yet, so it might be a bit difficult for us to meet up, but that should be solved within a few days.  Stay tuned for a weekend report in the next few days.  I'm not exactly sure what I'll be doing, but I hope you'll find it interesting!


  1. Who is taking care of your dog? Did you leave your man's best friend behind?

  2. My parents take care of my dog, thankfully!
