Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Here I am, there I go

I finally got home and felt like Santa Claus, delivering chocolate to the people that wanted it. I’m not a chocolate person, but this stuff is good - pralines are the best. Anyway, I went down to my parents’ house on Monday night and talked with them about my travels and plans for Australia. I kidnapped Zabba for a few days and snuggled up in bed with him every night. I miss that… a lot. I’m really lucky that my parents are nearby and could take care of him for such a long time, and I couldn’t thank them enough.

I found some travel vouchers from Delta on my profile that were set to expire this spring, so I talked to Rameen about making a trip to Dallas. Even though that would cut short my time at home, it was a free trip and I probably wouldn’t see him for a long time. I also get the feeling that he hasn’t hit his stride in Dallas yet. Keep your chin up, man. I convinced Tim to come with me by throwing him some frequent flier miles, because there ain’t no party like a T-Jack party (see picture). Rameen didn’t have work on Friday, so we planned to come in on Thursday night and fly back on Sunday night.

With that trip in place it gave me even less time to run errands and see people. I had to do my taxes, cancel cable, mail some packages, suspend my phone account (don’t try to call me after I leave), suspend my car insurance, do laundry, etc etc. I had lunch and dinner booked every night while I was in town, and it was great to see everyone.

A quick random story... as I made my way up the escalator from the tram at the airport, I heard a loud "F%$#!!!!"  I looked back and a dad was yelling at his kid, which in itself was sad.  He started yelling something about a camera bag that was left on the tram.  I looked at the girl on the escalator next to me and said, "There's some free birth control."  She laughed and we started talking.  It turns out she went to high school with my old roommates Eric and Jay B. in Duluth.  I told her about my upcoming trip to Sydney and she automatically said she's coming to visit.  Ok, Ricci.  Bring it.

Anyway, back to the present.  I kind of regretted making the choice to go to Dallas since I had so little time at home, but once I got there I had a great time. Tim, Rameen and I did the things we usually do and I don’t think they need an explanation. On every trip we’ve gone on together, we end up seeing or saying something funny that gets repeated throughout. This time, it was ‘boiled goose’ from the SNL/Lonely Island Boombox video.

Tim and I flew back to Atlanta on Sunday and saw Matthew Stafford, former UGA and current Detroit Lions quarterback, in the airport. He was with a cute little blonde girl that got on our flight (I’m guessing he’s going back to Detroit). This guy got like $41 million when he signed, but he flew his girl back to Atlanta in coach. I know there were first class seats available, because I got upgraded. I only get upgraded when they don’t sell out first class and I’m high on the upgrade list. Tsk, tsk, Matt. Maybe he’s trying to keep her grounded?

I finished my packing on Sunday night and turned in for a few hours of sleep. This morning I flew into Santa Ana, California, to meet and work with some of the people I’ve been having conference calls and meetings with over the past 6 months. It was good to put faces to voices and email addresses, plus it broke up the flight. It was 4+ hours to Santa Ana, and 15 from LAX to Sydney. Now I sit here on the plane and thank goodness they have an electric outlet for me to use my computer. I have a whole row to myself, but I can’t stretch out because the armrests don’t go down.

I did have a few drinks before takeoff, partly to help me sleep and partly because Duke won the NCAA championship. Duke sucks. I took an Ambien early on in the flight and was knocked out for 8 hours at least. Success. Now begins another chapter of this amazing journey. My life could have taken a few very different directions in the past few years, so I feel very lucky that things happened the way they did.


  1. I have 3 comments to make about this post:

    1. I went to Duluth High School. How have we never discussed this before? I want to know the roomies' last names, por favor. And go Cats.
    2. This pic of Timothy is glorious.
    3. I got ZERO chocolate when you were home for 2.5 seconds. I want you to go to my FB profile, look under "Interests," note the very first one, and then get back to me on what a terrible friend you think you are. Thanks.

    Have fun and post lots of pics. And if you go to New Zealand, make a pit stop in ATL to put me in your luggage to take me with you.

    <3 EPow

  2. 1. Eric Melcher and Jay Begley were my roommates from Duluth.
    2. Always
    3. If you hadn't have punked out before dinner at Park Tavern, you would've gotten some chocolate.
